User Panel :

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Last date of registration and non-refundable fee payment is 9th April 2025 ( 11.59 pm, IST ). Last date of submission of on-line application forms: 15th April 2025 ( 11.59 pm, IST ). Full time Institute Research scholars (FIR) taking admission in Ph.D. Programs in Engineering, Sciences, English and Management should have qualified GATE/NET/CAT Examinations, at least once, in an academic career. *Important note : Candidates are advised to check regularly the Institute website for updates , possible modifications etc.
*The candidates are required to take a print out of the application form and uploaded documents and bring them alongwith original documents at the time of interview.

Instructions to Applicants

  • All applicants must apply online
  • The portal is compatible to Mozilla Firefox. Candidates are advised to use Mozilla Firefox browser only.
  • Applicants may apply for multiple programmes. Separate registration form and application fee is required for each programme.
  • Using the login credential, applicants must login to the Admission Portal for form filling.
  • Application Fees must be paid only by online payment portal from this site.
  • After completion and submission of the online form, filled form in PDF format will be generated.
  • On the day of interview and or written test, the shortlisted candidates should bring a printed copy of the on-line filled form along with all the necessary documents in original and a set of duly self-attested photocopies of all such documents.
  • The exact time and venue for PhD interview will be notified along with the list of the shortlisted candidates.

Important documents required for the External Research Scholar

  • The candidate must enclose self-attested copies of the following documents/ certificates. Same must be produced in original at the time of physical documents verification.
  1. Appointment letter and sponsorship certificate/no objection certificate issued by the current employer.
  2. Experience certificate duly signed by competent authority on letter head of the Company/Organization/Institute.
  3. Other documents like date of birth, identity proof, marksheets of all semesters, degree certificates.

Important Note

  • Full-time Institute Research Scholars are recipients of the Institute scholarships and are governed by the Scholarship rules.
  • Full time Institute Research (FIR) Scholar candidate must be GATE/NET qualified once at the time of admission and will receive their stipend and contingency grants as per MoE guidelines.
  • Full time Project Staff (FPS) candidate will receive the stipend and contingency grants from the sponsored research project funds received from agencies like CSIR/SERB/DST/MeitY etc. FPS candidate has to work as project fellow while pursuing the doctoral study.
  • External Research Scholar (ERS) candidates are self-sponsored or sponsored by Government / Semi-Government / Non-Government / Private organizations/institutes on full-time or part-time basis who are not entitled for any scholarship / stipend or contingency grants from the institute or sponsored research project funds sanctioned to the institute. Candidates who are full-time self-sponsored or full-time sponsored on study leave by the Government / Sem-Government / Non-Government / Private organizations/institutes are expected to work full-time and are subject to the rules of the Institute. SVNIT institute own staff / faculty members who wants to pursue Ph.D. can apply under this category.
  • External Research Scholar (Full time) candidates are recipients of complete financial support including stipend, contingency grants and project expenses from the sponsoring organizations. The sponsorship letter for External Research Scholar (Full time) should be strictly as given in Appendix-I which is to be produced at time of interview / test etc. They have to produce the reliving certificate at the time of Ph.D. registration as given in Appendix-II.
  • Part-time Institute Faculty/Staff, (PIS) Project Staff (PPF) are expected to work for their Ph.D. programme while fulfilling their normal duties.
  • External Research Scholar (Part time) are allowed to carry out their Research work at the Institute or at their parent organization (subject to fulfillment of other requirements, rules and regulations laid down by the Institute Senate) after fulfilling certain pre-requisites at the Institute. They are not entitled to the Institute scholarship. The external candidate should produce a no objection certificate strictly as per the format given in Appendix-III at the time of interview/written test/ presentation.
  • External Research Scholar (Self finance) is expected to work full-time and are subject to the rules of the Institute. They are not entitled to the Institute scholarship.
  • External Research Scholar (Full-Time study Leave) candidates is expected to work full time at the Institute. They are not entitled to the Institute scholarship. Such candidates are required to produce sponsorship/relieving certificate from their organizations and submit it along with the application for admission. The format for relieving certificate is given in Appendix-IV In case the candidates are not able to submit the requisite Sponsorship or No Objection certificates, they have to submit a certificate in the prescribed format as per Appendix-VI ( APPENDIX VII for candidates working with Govt. of Gujarat) at the time of document verification prior to written test/interview. Without such certificate, the candidates will not be permitted for appearing Written test/interviews for the PhD admission.